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Support Hub
Making the most of your subscription
Getting started
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Making the most of your subscription
Sharing Best Practice
Help for Teachers & Educators
Bedrock's core curriculum
Tier 3 vocabulary
Help for Learners
Reports & Data
Core curriculum reporting
Tier 3 Vocabulary Reporting (Mapper)
Parents & Home Subscribers
Tech Support
Making the most of your subscription
Tips and advice from our team, sharing best practice to ensure maximum impact from your partnership with Bedrock.
How do other schools use Bedrock's core curriculum?
How do other schools use Mapper to target Tier 3 vocabulary?
Do you have printable resources to boost engagement?
Can I download certificates?
Do you have any items we can use for prizes and rewards?
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Sharing Best Practice
Get set for September success...
Sharing best practice: Data & Reporting
Sharing best practice: St. Anselm's Catholic School
Sharing best practice: "Start the day with Bedrock"